Phoenix Technology Group: Blog

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Exploring the buzzword “Phishing” with Mike Fisher

Phishing affects every industry, and is always a risk to your organization.

In this helpful 9-minute podcast, Mike shares what phishing is and what it could mean for your business.

Recap: Mike’s helpful acronym for keeping your assets safe from email phishing: HEEL

H: hover over link

E: email address (check email sender address)

E: errors (in grammar, formatting, etc)

L: logic (use common knowledge to asses risk)

If you feel you’ve been compromised, let your IT team know (and be honest about what happened), and be sure to change the password that was compromised (anywhere you’ve used it)!

Need cybersecurity services? Phoenix Technology Group provides top-notch Managed IT Services in Denver. Contact us today!



At Phoenix Technology Group, we have a set of core business values that define our approach to IT solutions. We prioritize quality over cost, ensuring that we never compromise on the standard of our services. By making smart investments and implementing efficient systems, we save money without sacrificing excellence. Customer service is ingrained in everything we do, as we believe in establishing long-term relationships to support your business goals and future aspirations.